The New Month is Upon Us…Let’s get a Jump Start. Time to Recap and Reset


Flexibility is always great to improve on...check out Doc Rob and Chris P working on the shoulders

So how did you do in October? (

This is YOUR OPPORTUNITY to put YOURSELF out there and let the CrossFit Sioux Falls community hold YOU accountable to push YOU to a new and higher level. Prove to YOURSELF that you can do it. It is amazing the improvements you can have in a One Month Period when you focus and push hard.

We are all here to support your progress.

So let’s here it! What are you going to improve on and how are you going to do it? Pick 3 things…

Today’s WOD:

Oct 30

23 Responses to “The New Month is Upon Us…Let’s get a Jump Start. Time to Recap and Reset”

  1. Chris Mello Says:

    I might as well practice what I preach:-)

    1- Pushups (goal is 100 in a row; I found a cool program, if anyone wants to know.) Currently I’m at 61.
    2- Flexibility: dedicate 4x a week a minimum of 15 min
    3- Strength and Oly Lift: lift 4x a week; to improve on CF Total

    • Korena Chester Says:

      I will say that the program Chris has does work! Strongly recommend the program to people! I’ve seen significant improvements with my arm strength and ability to do more pushups. Not quite to being off “woman” pushups but feeling like I’m alot closer and I’m able to do alot more! This was within 1 week of doing the program!

  2. Jody Gilbertson Says:

    1. Use a weaker band with pull-ups.

    2. No more knees with push-ups.

    3. Don’t give Cody the evil eye anymore.

  3. Korena Chester Says:

    1. Pullups: continue working towards pull-ups with no bands..down 2 bands for Oct already!
    2. Strength: continue working on arm strength with push presses, pushups, pullups, etc..
    3. Pushups: be able to do 50 regular pushups in a row

    • Korena Chester Says:

      To add more detail to my goals:
      #1 – I didn’t quite make no bands by the end of Oct so my goal is to at least be able to do pullups with no bands during warmups if nothing else. After yesterday’s WOD, I think I’m very close in bumping bands down once more. Didn’t realize that I unintentionally bumped myself down during the WOD yesterday but it made me figure out kipping even more!
      #2 – Be able to do prescribed weight on thrusters
      #3 – Start incoporating at least 1/2 regular pushups into WOD

  4. Ok – I NEED to set some goals because October was just a BAD month! The only goal I set for Oct was to re-do my baseline and I lost track of that due to the H1N1 flu that visited for a week. I’m back on track and back in the gym now and need some new goals. We’ll start with what I have below… If anyone can think of others for me – let me know. I know, these are supposed to be my goals but the truth is we all see how each of us is doing – crossfit is competative and if you say you don’t watch what others do you aren’t telling the truth!! So, hold me accountable, tell me where you see I need to work!

    Goals for November
    1. Redo baseline – perscribed. Last time I attempted it and got through the entire thing except pullups (had 6 to go and my arms died).
    2. Pushups – no knees. Getting better at this is going to help with the previous goal
    3. Box Jumps – I used to love them and have begun to cringe when they are in the WODS – they have become a struggle for me. I want to be able to pound through them like I used to
    4. Eat better!!!!! Get back to no pop and work toward paleo again.

    Again – hold me accountable!!!

    • Jeri, you and I could keep each other accountable with the no pop goal. I do so well and then crack!!! I am back to 2 sunkists a day and need to find a way to just quit drinking it!!! What have you tried that has worked for you?

      • I’m not much of a water person so I try to do iced tea (sweetened) and crystal light packets. Both aren’t paleo – not sure if you are trying to stick to that – but when I was doing paleo I allowed that to be my one daily cheat and it really helped me to get my water (even though it was sweetened). I still felt it was better than pop.
        Keep up the great work!

  5. Main goal- work HARD! EVERY time!

    1. Lose 8 lbs
    2. Green band only for an entire workout
    3. All pushups off knees
    4. Quit taking breaks during the workouts

  6. jen axtman Says:

    Ok, so I didn’t set goals for october but have accomplished a few things anyway 🙂 12lbs down, running is becoming a lil’ bit enjoyable & I went from green/purple pullup band to green/skinny black!

    November Goals
    1. Lose another 5+ lbs.
    2. Work on flexibility
    3. Incorporate Paleo
    4. Cut back on girlie push-ups
    5. Pull-ups… weaker bands

    Hold me accountable!
    Skinny Plans!!

  7. Jen Axtman Says:

    Well, honestly I had no goals for October but accomplished some pretty awesome things anyway!
    1. 12lbs gone!
    2. running is starting to be a lil’ bit fun again
    3. moved up from green/purple pull-up bands to green/skinny black pull-up band

    November Goals
    1. 5+ more lbs gone
    2. work on flexibility
    3. incorporate Paleo
    4. work on getting rid of those girlie push-ups
    5. weaker pull-up bands

    Hold me accountable!
    Skinny Plans! 🙂

  8. Short, sweat and to the point, but definately huge goals for me!!!

    1.) Sub 4:00 “Fran” @ the Challenge
    2.) 10 Muslce Ups
    3.) Overhead Squat my Body Weight (#155) 5x

    Just typing these out has gotten me super jacked to start getting after it!!!

    Bring the Noise!

  9. Goals for the month of November:

    1) Start eating better and eliminating non-Paleo foods – milk is going to be tough!!

    2) 4:30 minute Fran

    3) Stop taking so many breathers during WOD – permission for Mello to get in my grill 🙂


    Unlimited membership starts in November so I won’t have any excuses for not meeting my goals.

    Looking forward to everyone beating their goals and continuing to get better. Good stuff CFSF peeps…what a great community we have here!

  10. I met my Oct goals 🙂 but I’m still eating like crap so here goes for Nov:
    1. Eat one all-paleo meal per day
    2. Get in 3 hotel WOD’s/wk. while I’m in Charlotte this month
    3. Try this pushup program I’m hearing about

    No excuses!

  11. Hey guys, great posts! Sorry I’m a little late to get in on this, but I found a great blog on Dutch Lowy’s site I wanted to share. It’s based on having “cheat” meals in your diet, but I think the point he makes can help with any type of goal you want to accomplish; it’s a great mindset to have!…

    29 Oct 2009 So i feel like alot of people are up in arms after hearing my comment about cheat meals. I will come back to this point in just a second but i want to lay some ground work so you know what i am thinking.

    First of all lets talk about why I do the things i do.
    I drink Coffee black for the caffeine.
    I drink Tequila on the rocks for the alcohol.
    I eat beef, barely cooked and with little seasoning for the nourishment.
    I lift heavy weights so i can be strong.

    To me this all seems pretty simple. I think it is important for people to shift their perspective to why they do something. Bottom line, we eat for nourishment so why muddy the waters with food that won’t nourish you? I don’t want you to think that i am perfect with regards to nutrition so here is my reasoning for not allowing/ liking cheating.

    Would you cheat on your taxes? (those that would probably aren’t checking my blog so i’ll assume everyone tries to be legit)
    The word cheat, to me, is a big negative and makes people feel guilty. Have you ever been accused of cheating in a sport or even a family game of monopoly? It doesn’t feel good. I hate the word, especially when it is used in regards to diet. It gives what you did a negative feel and only sets you up to feel like a failure. I would never encourage someone to cheat on their taxes, so why would i tell them its ok to be unhealthy. If you can’t stick to a healthy diet (when i say diet i mean what you eat on a daily basis over a long period of time, not what you find in “diet” books) you need to shift your perspective and quit using food as a crutch.

    I don’t want anyone to feel like i never have a vanilla shake, or go party my ass off occasionally, because i do. I just don’t set out to cheat, nor do i see this as cheating. I have curbed the craving for these things by being disciplined. I no longer crave that sort of stuff. I now dream about steak and bacon…
    Shift your perspective, don’t cheat, its never ok.

    If you do something, do it for a reason. If you enjoy training and don’t care about seeing results then do the same with your eating. If you train for a reason, and you should have a defined goal, grab a little focus and get down to business.
    Drink your coffee for a reason, train for a reason and if you are gonna eat something, eat it for a reason

    …Live life for a reason, Amen to that! Keep it up guys!

  12. Ok……So November is here and the holidays are right around the corner:)
    It is so hard to stay on track with all the treats and temptations around. Im going to work and lose weight this season!
    This is horrible of me but……I want to be skinnier and in better shape then my sisters when we get together for the holidays:) Im a little evil,,,but this is the best motivation for me!!!!

    1. Getting back to eating better

    2. No more walking….just RUN….RUN…..RUN


    Ok Chris be my Jillian:) I need the push and encouragement!!!!

  13. Great goals everyone! I can help with the eating thing!! Anyway, here are my goals:

    1. Learn to Kip.

    2. Improve my double unders to >1!!

    3. Do at least 1 Oly Lift – CORRECTLY without being scared!

    4. Gain at least 5 pounds before Christmas.

    5. Lay off the cardio – it’s killing my improvement.

  14. Traci Stephens Says:

    My November Goals:
    1: loose 10 pounds
    2: pull-ups with the purple band
    3: follow paleo on the weekends!

  15. I’ll admit–I’m scared to post goals for November, but what better form of accountability, huh?

    1. Eat better and drink more water
    2. CrossFit 5x/week and start supplementing with more running, getting back up to 15miles/week by the end of the month.
    3. Get the guts to try an unassisted pull-up–eek!

  16. Katie Anderson Says:

    I’m a little late at replying but here goes:
    1. SHOW UP! I’ve been letting that snooze button win. No more! I can’t get mad at no results if I’m not showing up and doing the work.
    2.Less breaks during the workout.
    3. Get better at box jumps- get over my fear of them.
    4. Work towards push ups off the knees.

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